Meet Jess

The best is yet to come

Out of all the places that you could have landed, you have ended up here with me! Hi! I’m Jess and I am so excited to get to know and grow with you! The path that led me here to “The Best With Jess” was definitely a curvy one full of the unexpected. You see, I am a former small business owner that specialized in gluten free baking; I’m also a former Public School Teacher, and I am currently in a job I love as a Corporate Trainer.

Being a business owner and seeing first hand the challenges as well as the joy that comes from owning a small business is what really ignited my passion for small businesses and getting them on the map. I am also a Mom, a Wife, a creative spirit, and an adventurer. It’s safe to say that my family and the moments we share and the life we live together is what I love more than anything.

I love to spend time with my family, cook, bake, hike, travel, and explore small businesses. I am an advocate for living the best healthy and well rounded life you can live. I’m also a HUGE fan of the silly, the joyful, scrabble, and puns. Here at The Best With Jess, you’ll share in my life experiences as they play out on my blog; you’ll receive my best resources on health and wellness; I will introduce you to and feature top tier businesses that I discover on my adventures.

You’ll encounter a little bit of outfit and home decor inspiration, and so much more! I have even created some cute and fun merchandise available for purchase that you can browse through in my shop. I have so much more in the works for TBWJ (The Best with Jess) and cannot wait to share in the journey with YOU!